Human Insights and people will always be at our core, our roots, the foundation for everything we do.
Insights are also the secret ingredient to business and brand success.
As the famous saying goes, one good insight can lead to 1,000 ideas.

We dig deeper to understand WHY people make decisions and what makes them tick, illuminate the landscape, build strategy & bring it to life!

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We believe all powerful stories, video communications and new products should be built with real human insight and experiences.



Jobs To Be Done and Messaged

Guiding New Product Development and Communication with Full Insight on Consumer Behaviors and Goals

There can be many reasons it’s hard to achieve new product success in market, including not really knowing the right Jobs to be Done for your new offering, having real insights or deeper understanding of target consumers’ higher-order motivations or
the true frame of reference to position/enter effectively.

Do you really know what your relevant consumers are trying to accomplish? Is the core problem associated with your new product meaningful enough? Do you know your emotional jobs to leverage in communication, new idea and story? This foundational and deeper understanding of at a human level leads to better and more relevant ideas, offerings, brands and communication.

Start by thinking of Jobs to be Done as a consumer insights and strategy approach for understanding the real purpose/reason for which consumers hire brands, products, or services. As Harvard’s Clay Christensen explained, people don’t simply buy products or services; they pull them into their lives to make progress. This progress is called the “job” they are trying to get done.

JTBD is both an interviewing approach and a resulting strategic foundation based on insights from consumers that guides new ideas, design and communication briefs.

The unique interviewing approach and learning that results in JTBD helps you understand what consumers are solving for and what they REALLY desire, providing the foundational human learning to guide product development and messaging efforts in the right direction.

“Jobs to Message”

We like to think of the utilization for communication and advertising as “Jobs to Message.” In fact, we’re often asked, “Can Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) help with brand communication?”  

The short answer is “Yes, it can and does sometimes.” Yet, some often associate JTBD with only new product development (Product Innovation), but we believe it also opens up a world of communication possibilities. There’s opportunity for it to help guide marketing communication come to life (or to influence a new brand, etc.).


Social Listening Digs

Category and Competitive Insights; Unique Discovery & Curation of Social Posts

Leverage the online and social media conversation to gain understanding of what matters to consumers.

Social media is full of opinions and unstructured data buy you don’t have time to make sense of it and apply it.

Dig sites are created that guide product development or inspire campaigns and design.

  • Understand the motivations and beliefs among consumers surrounding the topic.

  • Curate the qualitative learning from opinions and conversations.

  • Identify and map the emotional benefits, context, and meaning of the topics that resonate with consumers.

  • Determine the context around the topic and the consumers’ decision.


In-Context Idea & Prototype Shaping

Real World, Real Insights to Guide Innovation Strategy, Messaging and Product Offering

For deeper, authentic insights, meet consumers IN THE MOMENT at RELEVANT times and locations.

Gain learning on naming, packaging, product, and the REAL competition.

Observation (often with video) is a key ingredient for full understanding of
the occasion.

  • To OBSERVE and understand how it fits in consumers’ lifestyle.

  • Leverage a network of Dig Sites (e.g. co-working, universities, cafes, restaurants, centers, etc.)

  • Helps to better understand impressions of prototypes and brands.

  • Enables you to connect with consumers in the NATURAL environment.

  • Know why the test brand is preferred.


Online /In-person (Ethnography)

Guide Brand Building and Innovation as you explore deeper and “Live With” & Engage With People Over Time.

We help here in several ways, bringing out the beliefs and emotional drivers to make your innovation and messaging better, guide and inspire brand building or gain a deeper understanding of culture (for your employer brand communication).

We’ve done 100s of in-depths interviews with creative approaches utilizing the power of imagery and associations and often combine interviews with other approaches or work sessions.

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Explore Categories, Attitudes, Usage, Brand Associations, Names, Ideas, Etc.

I’m happy to DIG In with you on this new methodology!
— Wendy DelVecchio, Insights Director at Bob Evans

Applications here include: implicit testing for Innovation, messaging, brand associations, packaging and habits and practices. We use IAT tests and others to understand subconsious decision-making and brand associations. Implicit testing, fast choice, etc.

Some of us have strong foundations in quantitative and have adapted to leverage AI for its strengths, while maintaining our creative approaches.

Please see Overview Page for broader list of Insights and Strategy Services.